THE World (night) , 2021

NT$ 1,900.00

・作品名稱:世界 - 夜 (2021)

“ THE World (night) ”  
Sunset and sunrise, every life on the earth. Everything comes and repeats circularly at the same time. They crossed each other, and made an effect. Happened on the earth, and universe. Someone has observed and taken a long time to record it, longer than the life of earth. Who knows? Stars know.



【 尺 寸 說 明 】
(尺寸:小)畫布:20 x 30 cm
(尺寸:小)畫 + 框:31 x 41 cm
(尺寸:大)畫布:50 x 75 cm
(尺寸:大)畫 + 框:71 x 91 cm
* 更大尺寸畫作,或是不要底紙裱框,歡迎私訊詢問
* 晝+夜 成套作品,購買 9 折。
